Pearl has wanted to share the Songbird and Chickens Version of “The Ancient Words.” In your language, you likely call it “The Bible.”This is not a translation from the original languages in which these words were recorded. It is instead, hopefully a new voice, and this time, the voice of The Songbirds of The Living Library.
The Wondrous Word:
The Gospel According to St. John
as Recorded by The Songbirds of the Living Library
The Wood Thrush helped us to organize John’s 21 chapters into four groups: one for each of the seasons that the Wood Thrush spends in our garden. Each season has its own significance, and each chapter has its own principal verse to remember.
So far, SPRING is the only section which we have prepared and are able to share. We will keep you posted through “The GraciePress Newsletter” to let you know when the next section(s) are available.
SPRING: The Season of Renewal and
New Beginnings
Spring represents new beginnings and renewal. Chapters 1 through 5 of The Gospel According to John introduce us to Jesus' early ministry, His first miracles, and the calling of His first disciples. These events mark the dawn of His public life and mission.
Most Important Verse to Remember for Yourself
But anyone who welcomed The Wondrous Word to find a HOME in their HEART and earnestly BELIEVED was marked as a child of God. This wasn’t because of human will. It was because of God’s will. The Wondrous Word clothed Himself in flesh like ours and lived among us and showed us GLORY and TRUTH. (John 1: 12-14 SLL&CV)
Pearl’s Thoughts
When Pearl heard The Songbirds singing out “in flesh like ours” for the first time, she felt very strongly that these words applied to her and she repeated it in her own song as “like mine”.She was not believing that The Great Gardener’s Son, Jesus, clothed himself in feathers like hers, but that he had flesh and blood like hers that could feel heat and cold, hunger and emptiness, pain and comfort.What’s more, like Pearl herself, Jesus could trip and stumble. He could twist his ankle or stub his toe. These were all things that she did regularly. The other chickens had laughed at her, but she never did any of these things to be funny.
Most Important Verse to Remember for Yourself
Jesus did this first miraculous sign of turning water into wine in Cana of Galilee. This revealed his glory and seeing it, his disciples who followed him as their teacher believed in him and placed their trust and whole-hearted faith in him as strongly as they had put in The Great Gardener. (SLL&C Version, John 2:11)
Pearl’s Thoughts
Jesus did this first miraculous sign of turning water into wine in Cana of Galilee. This revealed his glory and seeing it, his disciples who followed him as their teacher believed in him and placed their trust and whole-hearted faith in him as strongly as they had put in The Great Gardener. (SLL&C Version, John 2:11)
Most Important Verse to Remember for Yourself
Because The Great Gardener loved the world he had created with its people who could speak the same Language that God speaks, He gave His One and Only Son to the world so that whoever believed in him would not perish but would live the same kind of life that God lives. (John 3: 16, LL&C Version)
Pearl’s Thoughts
Because The Great Gardener loved the world he had created with its people who could speak the same Language that God speaks, He gave His One and Only Son to the world so that whoever believed in him would not perish but would live the same kind of life that God lives. (John 3: 16, LL&C Version)
SUMMER: The Seasons of Signs and Discourses
Most Important Verse to Remember for Yourself
Jesus told her, “Now is the time that when those who are true worshipers will worship God in spirit and in truth. In His essence, God is not physical. He is spirit. Anyone who desires to worship Him must worship Him with their non-physical self, their spirit self and in truth.” (John 4: 24, SLL&C Version)
Pearl’s Thoughts
Now is the time that when those who are true worshipers will worship God in spirit and in truth. In His essence, God is not physical. He is spirit. Anyone who desires to worship Him must worship Him with their non-physical self, their spirit self and in truth.” (John 4: 24, SLL&C Version)
Most Important Verse to Remember for Yourself
Jesus told the man he had healed, “With absolute truth, whoever hears my words and believes the One who sent me has been given the Life that I have and will not be judged. They will be someone who has crossed over from the Kingdom of Death to the Kingdom of Life.“ (John 5: 24, SLL&CV)
Pearl insisted that we end with a reminder of how she has found her “Perfect Spot” beside The Great Gardener’s Son who you call Jesus. Our greatest hope is that our words and illustrations will help you find your own “Perfect Spot” with him also.
Pearl’s Final Thoughts
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J.R. Spiers writes and illustrates magical realism books based on the adventures of his six backyard chickens. Gracie, Bessie, Blanche, Pearl, Emily, and Amelia. Some people believe he is also behind the reference books compiled by Nate Elliot. Whoever he is, that is a most curious mystery known only by a small flock of the most amazing chickens anywhere in the world!
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